“Andante Tranquillo”
Performed on Rodgers Infinity Series 489
Discover Rodgers Organs
Presentation by Dan Miller
“Moto Ostinato”
Performed on Rodgers Infinity Series 489
Meet the Future of Organs
Presentation by Dan Miller
“Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”
Performed on Rodgers Imagine 351D
Discover the Imagine Series
Presented by Dan Miller
“The Holy City”
Performed on Rodgers Infinity Series 367
Imagine a New Reality
Performed on Rodgers Infinity Series 367
Rodgers Hybrid Organs
30 pipe ranks, 3-manual organ
Performed on Imagine 351M
Rodgers Hybrid Organs
7 pipe ranks, 4-manual organ
“Old Hundredth Psalm Tune”
Performed on Rodgers Imagine 351
Rodgers Hybrid Organs
3-manual organ
“Abide WIth Me”
Performed on Rodgers Imagine 235
Rodgers in China
Featuring organist Yihua Li
Four Organ Concert
Rodgers, Johannus, Makin, Copeman Hart
St. Sophia Cathedral
Rodgers Infinity 361
“O For a Thousand Tongues”
Performed on Rodgers Inspire Classic
Loyola Marymount University
Rodgers Infinity 361
“You’ll Never Walk Alone”
Variety of organs from Global Organ Group
Saint Michael the Archangel
Rodgers Infinity 361
“Little Drummer Boy”
Rodgers Infinity 484 pipe hybrid organ
First Presbyterian Church
Rodgers Infinity 484
“The First Noel”
Performed on Rodgers Inspire Classic
The Community Church
Rodgers Artist 599
“Down at the Cross”
Rodgers Infinity 367
Discover the Imagine 235
Rodgers Imagine 235
“Trumpet Tune”
Rodgers Infinity 367
“We Three Kings”
Rodgers Imagine 351
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Rodgers Imagine 351
Rodgers Imagine 351
Hymn Tune “Hyfrydol”
Rodgers Imagine 351
“Trumpet Voluntary”
Rodgers Imagine 351
Improvisation on “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Rodgers Imagine 351
Rodgers Imagine 351
“Now Thank We All Our God”
Rodgers Imagine 351
“March of the Priests”
Rodgers Imagine 351
“Solemn Procession”
Rodgers custom hybrid organ
“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”
Rodgers hybrid organ
“Scherzo in E Major”
Rodgers hybrid organ
“Coronation March”
Rodgers custom hybrid organ
“Organ playing is the manifestation of a will filled with the vision of eternity.”
– Charles Marie Widor
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